Clean Talk with Rose
By Rose Galera, CEH
Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2010
Hi Rose,
Finding ways to be more efficient in our hotel housekeeping operations within the current economy has been an everyday task. Any ideas or suggestions you can share?
Frugal Fanny
Aloha FF,
Developing a “Cleaning Systems of Control” program of “Doing more with Less, Synergy and Sustainability” are smart management approaches. Standardization, consolidation and building of a power base are key factors. Following are suggestions for the tough times ahead.
Labor – Staffing Methodology:
• Review daily staffing requirements, working with actual occupancies. Plan cleaning programs in line with occupancies, apply versatility and flexibility.
• Conduct on the job performance reviews and evaluations.
• Encourage increase in productivity with a focus on quality.
• Review cleaning standards and frequencies. Determine areas that may be temporarily or permanently eliminated without adverse impact on guest satisfaction, quality and value.
• Stress organization and daily cleanup to eliminate unnecessary follow-up work. Foster attitudes of proprietorship and preparation. Practice MBWA (management by walking around). “Talk and Walk the Talk” visits to praise, encourage, motivate, boost morale and productivity and for on the spot training. Look for what is right, not wrong!
• Review and if necessary change hours of operation to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
• Implement energy control programs.
• Train through daily mini briefings.
Supplies and Equipments:
• Review and control all cleaning supplies, products and equipments used.
• Highly consider new trends such as electrolyzed water cleaning technology to reduce chemical cost.
• Highly consider microfiber cloths and flat mop cleaning technology and back pack vacuuming systems to increase efficiency, speed and quality cleaning.
Good Luck!
Mahalo! Rose Galera