Clean Talk with Rose
By Rose Galera, CEH
Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2012
Aloha Rose,
As a front office employee for hotels, I have read your Clean Talk articles and have become interested in professional cleaning / housekeeping management. Please share information about training needs and also and also tips on starting a professional cleaning business.
Aloha MT,
Professional housekeeping/ cleaning management as a career provides for opportunities and growth in hospitality facilities such as hotels, resorts, timeshare properties, condominiums, foodservice establishments, retail and commercial businesses, and in many other facilities, including healthcare, education, government services, retirement communities — in contract cleaning, consulting services and more.
Professional cleaning is considered to be a very diverse and big business globally. A career at the management level requires an employee to have what is referred to as “ASK” — abilities, skills and knowledge, under the triad of “AMT” — in administration, management and technology. Success in the housekeeping/ cleaning profession also requires embracing an attitude of proprietorship and to be action and results oriented. Professional trade association membership and certification in the profession are also recommended.
All the above, when met, may also provide for a smoother process toward becoming an entrepreneur and business owner in professional housekeeping/ cleaning management. Here are some basic factors to consider: business attitude and passion; income potential; market demand for services offered; existing know-how, contacts and reputation; recession resistance; start-up cost and overhead; long range security; competition; hours of work and stress level; suitability to your personality; organizational skills; legal and insurance requirements; selection of a business name; pricing strategies; start-up costs; and expanding considerations through diversification.
Understanding and knowledge that cleaning is a science and an art is an important step toward business and career success. The cleaning industry generates billions in annual revenue in the United States alone and ranks as one of the world’s big 10 businesses. It is also nearly recession proof, due to the nature of cleaning as an essential and necessary part of daily life. As a growing industry — and with many seasoned cleaning professionals now reaching retirement age — there are plenty of opportunities and careers available in the world of professional cleaning today.
Best wishes in your search for professional growth and success.
Rose Galera, CEH