What makes a housekeeping operation successful

Clean Talk with Rose
By Rose Galera, CEH
Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2009

Aloha Rose,
Please share with a new rooms manager your thoughts on what makes a housekeeping operation successful.
Mahalo, NRM

Aloha NRM,
Knowledge in the triad of housekeeping operations — administration, management and technology — is key to operational and individual success. Budgeting is one process that every housekeeping manager must face. In some hotels, it is placed as an accounting function, and unfortunately, the entire budgeting process is assigned to the accounting department; or, the general or rooms manager prepares it. The housekeeping manager thus loses the opportunity, in part, to manage and control the department’s operations. Success is in the ability to prepare a budget; to review, analyze and adjust it; and discuss the variances, needs and financial results of the department. Also important is creativity in implementing best cleaning practices and developing and implementing an operations manual. The following are a sampling of controls to ensure success.

Budgeting/purchasing: preopening, operational, capital; costs: labor, materials, equipment, service; labor: workload, flow, scheduling, methodology, training; quality: performance, guest relations, inspection processes; linens, uniforms: inventory, issuing, cleaning; rooms: work assignments, cleaning and service processes; keys: inventory, sign in/ out process; safety, security: accidents, incident reporting, training, lost and found; environment: recycling, indoor air quality; inventory: equipment, tools, chemicals; energy conservation: air-conditioning systems, utilities.

Talking and walking the talk above is a sure path to success.

Mahalo and good luck!

Posted in Clean Talk Columns.

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