Key topics to develop a supervisor training program

Clean Talk with Rose
By Rose Galera, CEH
Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2013

Hi Rose,
Though rewarding with good opportunities, managing a hotel housekeeping department in Hawaii is challenging, with the many diverse employees to supervise and keep motivated. I must develop a supervisor training program and need advice on what would be key topics for such training.

Aloha Dina,
Supervisory training is essential to insure employee morale, motivation, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness and to maintain high quality standards. Training will enhance the mentoring process for supervisors to become successful housekeeping managers. Results-oriented training should focus on people skills. Following are highly recommended topics for supervisory training.

Every type of communication training is needed to include language, speaking or writing and nonverbal expressions such as smiles, gestures and body language that are important in communicating ideas and feelings to people. Emotions and gestures communicate “unspoken” messages. Successful communication is in the art of listening-listening not only with one’s ears, but also with one’s eyes to notice body language and facial expressions.

Coaching improves the performance of others. Supervisors who coach encourage their teams to learn from and be challenged by their work. Coaching is an unending process — each new achievement forms a platform for the next challenge.

Leaders are made, not born; they are molded by experience, helpful mentors and opportunity. As the author Leroy Eimes said, “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do.”

In today’s increasingly competitive business world, a highly motivated workforce is vital for any organization seeking good results. Learning how to positively motivate others has become an essential skill for all supervisors.

Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation is a responsibility of every supervisor. Evaluations provide for meaningful feedback and discussions, allows for management to make appropriate administrative recommendations and assist in determining where improvement is required. Performance evaluations serve a dual function: an employee feedback system and a management information system.

A game of excellence! There are no rules except for those that come from one’s own integrity and commitment to do whatever it takes. It is a very high-level game for those who are willing to play with an open heart. It is for those with a strong sense to praise the abilities of others.

Teamwork is a game of service. Teamwork creates miracles!

The Art of Smiling
Remember the poem, “Smile” (author unknown):
A smile is something nice to see,
it doesn’t cost a cent.
A smile is something all your own,
it never can be lent.
A smile is welcome anywhere,
it does away with frowns.
A smile is good for everyone,
to ease the ups and downs.

Cultural Diversity
According to sociology, psychology and political science theories, man is a creature of culture. By understanding the building blocks of cultural identity, we can approach others with greater sensitivity and understanding. All the above topics are essential to developing an outstanding housekeeping department.

Happy training!
Rose Galera, CEH

Posted in Clean Talk Columns.

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