Clean Talk Columns – Index by Topic


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  • About carpet cleaning; planning and organizing housekeeping operations
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jan/Feb 2008 Dear Rose, The New Year 2008 will have me faced with several challenges and projects to plan and schedule. A carpet-care, cleaning and maintenance program is high on my list. As someone fairly new to the property and of planning such a program, what if any ...
  • About fomites
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2008 Dear Rose, The word ‘Fomite’ has come up frequently in talking with fellow colleagues reference to Housekeeping and Food Sanitation. Any further information or explanation you can share to best understand its meaning and affect for Housekeeping training will be appreciated. I Am Bugged Dear Bugged, During the Spring ...
  • About mold and mildew
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, July/Aug 2008 Hi Rose, Please share any strategies and best practices that will help me deal with mold and /or mildew in guest room/ condo and carpet cleaning programs. Thank you, Moldy Molly Aloha MM, Yours is a loaded question, so the first step is to know and understand the culprits you ...
  • Building on skills and abilities
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2009 Aloha Rose, As a newcomer to hotel housekeeping, my manager suggested that I work on building my skills and abilities. What information can you share? A Short-Timer Dear ST, Management has realized the importance of having highly skilled, knowledgeable and well-trained personnel in charge of housekeeping. Housekeeping managers must ...
  • Carpet cleaning
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2012 Dear Rose, Carpet cleaning is a challenge that I’m faced with at my hotel. Please share some information or advice on carpet cleaning processes. Also, please explain what encapsulation is. Thank you, Matt Aloha Matt, Indoor cleaning quality is often related to dirty carpets and can be solved through ...
  • Chemical-free cleaning
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2011 Hello Rose, I attended training with a speaker from Canada on cleaning practices that warned of disinfectants as a cleaning health problem. I’m now reviewing cleaning programs for safety and health concerns. What, if any, tips can you share? Trina Aloha Trina, Cleaning for health, safety of people and ...
  • Cleaning cloths, microfiber
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jan/Feb 2010 Hi Rose, What should cleaning professionals consider important in cleaning for health and cleaning as a science? Mahalo, Miko Aloha Miko, Many cleaning professionals will agree that the most important tool is the cleaning cloth. Yet, why do many still call it a “rag”? The dictionary defines cloth as “a ...
  • Cleaning in offices, shops and other areas; staffing formulas; training programs
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2007 Hi Rose, In cleaning for hotels or condominiums, staffing determination generally is by room or units cleaned. We are also faced with cleaning of food service areas, shops, offices, exercise rooms, cottages and cabins. Would you provide tips on how to measure for cleaning the various ...
  • Cleaning management and technical courses
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Nov/Dec 2012 Hi Rose, Having worked in hotel housekeeping as a manager for three years, I would like to take cleaning management and technical courses to build on my cleaning knowledge. What training or cleaning school information can you provide? Valerie TJ Aloha Valerie, Mahalo for your inquiry on training. Working ...
  • Cleaning systems; mattress turnover project
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2007 Aloha Rose, As someone new to hotel housekeeping, I wanted to gain information on the various types of cleaning systems and/or approaches that may be applied to guest room cleaning. A Novice EH Dear Novice, Your question sends a message that you may be part of the new breed ...
  • Communicable diseases
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, May/June 2008 Dear Rose, Communicable diseases are on my training list. Got any information for an executive housekeeper struggling to put together a needed housekeeping training program? Joannie Aloha Joannie, Communicable diseases are a fact of life that we in housekeeping must focus on. Illnesses spread because of close contact through ...
  • Communication, motivating and morale building
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Nov/Dec 2009 Hi Rose, With a slumping economy important training is on hold. What one hot topic would you suggest as a briefing message to boost morale, confidence and motivation? Thank You, MM Aloha MM, I recently attended an excellent Disney leadership workshop that was highly motivational. Inspiring passion, confidence and interest ...
  • Control and maintain operational expenses – efficiencies and effectiveness
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jan/Feb 2009 Dear Rose, Because of the economic situation, managing housekeeping operations has been very challenging. What advice can you share with housekeeping managers to control and maintain operational efficiencies and also keep a low stress level, until things get better? Thank you, Stressed Sally Aloha SS, Your question flashes me back ...
  • Developing a Cleaning I&R Library
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2010 Aloha Rose, Please share smart moves for developing a Cleaning I&R (Information & Referral) Library. I’m new to the profession and need help. JR Aloha JR, The tips below may be helpful. Building productive I&R files and library: • Sharpen skills and abilities * assess your present situation ...
  • Developing a housekeeping operations manual
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2011 Hi Rose, Please provide information on developing a housekeeping operations manual. Suggestions on contents for a manual will be most helpful. Mahalo, BK Aloha BK, Creating a comprehensive housekeeping operations manual is a challenging process. It should include procedures, policies, systems of control, training programs and more. Once completed, ...
  • Developing a technical information manual
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2011 Aloha Rose, Managing a hotel housekeeping department requires many details when directing and communicating with employees. I feel that I need to have basic tasks and processes put to writing, to meet ESL (English as a Second Language) and cultural diversity needs. Please share any information ...
  • Drinking glasses cleaning processes
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2008 Hi Rose, Over the past months, I have noticed the negative media coverage on improper drinking glass cleaning in guest rooms. The reports so far have focused on mainland hotels. What, if any, strategies can you provide to eliminate such concerns for Hawaii’s hotels? A Caring EH Aloha ...
  • Easy training ideas
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, May/June 2011 Hello Rose, Keeping up with the training of housekeeping frontline and supervisory employees is always a challenge because of the daily workload and limited training time. Please share any easy training ideas you may have. Thanks, Evelyn Aloha Evelyn, In all types of housekeeping operations where training is often overlooked ...
  • EH involved in renovation; best practices; how to get rid of soap scum
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2007 Dear Rose, Why is the executive housekeeper, often times, not part of the early decision-making process when choosing the goods that will be utilized in a hotel renovation? We are given the enormous responsibility to help maintain the new product AFTER renovation but are often ...
  • Ever Higher Standards: 25 Years in Housekeeping
    By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2009 Looking back 25 years ago, there have been many years filled with exciting learning experiences and rewarding opportunities working in Hawaii’s hospitality industry as an executive housekeeper and later as a contract cleaning consultant and training specialist. Exactly 25 years ago in 1984, as the corporate executive housekeeper ...
  • Green cleaning
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, May/June 2010 Aloha Rose, At a 2007 IEHA (International Executive Housekeepers Association) education program, you introduced a tool that electrically charges water into a cleaning solution that kills germs. Do you have updates on both topics to assist on green cleaning? Mahalo, Leo Aloha Leo, The Professional Cleaning Institute of Hawaii ...
  • Helping senior housekeepers maintain productivity
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jan/Feb 2012 Hi Rose, Please share best cleaning practices on how to assist our senior housekeepers with 20-plus working years to maintain their assigned room cleaning productivity level, within the company’s acceptable cleaning standards. TM Aloha TM, Your concern is shared by housekeeping managers in our Hawaii hospitality industry, given the ...
  • Housekeeping department efficiencies
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2010 Hi Rose, Finding ways to be more efficient in our hotel housekeeping operations within the current economy has been an everyday task. Any ideas or suggestions you can share? Frugal Fanny Aloha FF, Developing a “Cleaning Systems of Control” program of “Doing more with Less, Synergy and Sustainability” are ...
  • Ideas to improve productivity
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, May/June 2009 Aloha Rose, At our hotel, we are reviewing guest room and other cleaning results and are seeking ideas to improve productivity and maintain effectiveness and quality. What ideas can you recommend? CEH Aloha CEH: Work-loading process comes to mind. It’s a systematic approach to determine the hours required to ...
  • Infection control and safety on the job
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jan/Feb 2013 Hello Rose, In preparing for the 2013 Best Hotel Housekeeping operations and training, I’d like some information on the topics of infection control and safety on the job. Your assistance is requested. Mahalo, Michelle Aloha Michelle, Indeed it is a smart move to focus on the topics of infection control ...
  • Key topics to develop a supervisor training program
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2013 Hi Rose, Though rewarding with good opportunities, managing a hotel housekeeping department in Hawaii is challenging, with the many diverse employees to supervise and keep motivated. I must develop a supervisor training program and need advice on what would be key topics for such training. Mahalo Dina Aloha Dina, Supervisory ...
  • Labor shortage strategies; green cleaning
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, May/June 2007 Dear Rose, Department managers at our hotel are asked to work on labor shortage strategies and/or solutions to solve the current problems being faced. Housekeeping is my area of responsibility and hiring of room cleaning attendants, which are hard to come by. What, if any, ideas ...
  • OSHA safety changes
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2013 Hi Rose, I have been informed that there will be OSHA safety changes that will take place this year that will affect my housekeeping operations and training program. Please share any information on the changes that I should know about. Mahalo, Ian Aloha Ian, At our International Executive Housekeepers Association ...
  • Outsourcing; room amenities
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Nov/Dec 2007 Dear Rose, Faced with staffing challenges today my hotel GM has asked me to look into the possibilities of outsourcing project type work, such as carpet shampooing and annual general cleaning of rooms. What if any information could you share relative to outsourcing strategies? Mahalo, A Solutions ...
  • Professional housekeeping as a career
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jul/Aug 2012 Aloha Rose, As a front office employee for hotels, I have read your Clean Talk articles and have become interested in professional cleaning / housekeeping management. Please share information about training needs and also and also tips on starting a professional cleaning business. MT Aloha MT, Professional housekeeping/ cleaning ...
  • Renewable cleaning
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Nov/Dec 2011 Hi Rose, At a Renewable Energy Conservation program I attended, the speaker emphasized the importance of the housekeeping department’s role in renewable cleaning, and its impact on energy conservation. Please share any information as I missed a workshop you once held. A Neighbor Island EH Aloha NIEH, Yes, I’ve ...
  • Seven steps in guest room cleaning
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2012 Hi Rose, As a reader of your articles, I wish to request your assistance for information you may have developed for a hotel guestroom cleaning process program. This will be for housekeeping operations for a new property my company will be managing. Thank You, Jessie Aloha Jessie, To measure ...
  • The Hidden Paycheck
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Nov/Dec 2010 Hi Rose, Some years ago you presented a budget workshop that briefly covered the “hidden paycheck.” You indicated that it enhanced employee morale and productivity. Given the economy today, training on the topic may be a morale booster. Please share any updates in an article. Thanks, PL Aloha PL, The ...
  • What makes a housekeeping operation successful
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Mar/Apr 2009 Aloha Rose, Please share with a new rooms manager your thoughts on what makes a housekeeping operation successful. Mahalo, NRM Aloha NRM, Knowledge in the triad of housekeeping operations — administration, management and technology — is key to operational and individual success. Budgeting is one process that every housekeeping ...
  • What makes an EH tick?
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Jan/Feb 2007 Dear Rose, Aloha. I am new in sales to the hotel industry, and I have had some struggles and difficulties in approaching managers of housekeeping operations to present and show my cleaning and guest supply products. I find housekeeping managers to be of a different breed. ...
  • Why is cleaning a science and an art?
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Sept/Oct 2013 Aloha Rose, When visiting the IEHA booth at July’s Hawaii Lodging, Hospitality and Foodservice Expo, the question, “Why Is Cleaning a Science and an Art?” stumped me. As an executive housekeeper, will having a comprehensive understanding help me to be at the leading edge of ...
  • Work performance/performance evaluation
    Clean Talk with Rose By Rose Galera, CEH Hawaii Hospitality Magazine, Nov/Dec 2008 Hi Rose, Please assist me with any information or tips on improving housekeeping work performances and also on performance evaluation programs. I’m at a small hotel and have the responsibility of setting up a department program. Thank you, Liz Aloha Liz, The following information on improving performance and on a ...